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陈杰 发表于:2003/1/25 21:53:19
据国际REAL组织透露(该组织领导人Raelian Movement),克隆人已经诞生!原文如下: THE FIRST CLONE BABY BOY IS BORN! We are very happy to confirm the successful birth of the 3rd cloned baby! After two girls ( Eve and the cloned baby girl from the Dutch lesbian couple) , the first cloned baby boy is now born. The boy is the son of a Japanese family who was lost in an accident. The newborn baby is an identical twin of their deceased child. The parents are very happy and excited for finally "having their child back" after their painful loss some time ago. The DNA matching tests are being conducted under the supervision of the parents who, on their own, preserved cells from their deceased son. The scientists who are carrying out the tests in Japan were chosen by the parents. YES, CLONAID™ took mankind's science a step further by helping an infertile couple to have the first human clone baby! The day we've all been waiting for a long time has finally arrived. Clone baby Eve was born in an undisclosed location on December 26, 2002, and is doing well. All tests so far show that the baby is healthy.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-1-25 21:53:19编辑过]
陈杰 发表于:2003/1/25 22:00:13
陈杰 发表于:2003/1/28 0:21:34
最新消息,美国有个底下组织开始对外受理克隆人业务拉,克隆一个人1000万美金!!!! 崽呀。。。 我说,那他们还不如直接克隆钞票!
共3 条记录, 每页显示 10 条, 页签: [1]

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